Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Arthur Brooks
Centurion, 1881–1895
Henry A. Oakley and Charles Comfort Tiffany
Boston, Massachusetts
North Atlantic, At Sea
Age thirty-five
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Archivist’s Notes
He died of natural causes aboard the steamship SS Fulda a day and a half after leaving Southampton, England, for New York.
Century Memorial
Arthur Brooks, Rector of the Church of the Incarnation in this city, came of a family distinguished for its contribution of able men to the Protestant Episcopal Church. He had many of the characteristics of his brilliant brother, Phillips Brooks, the late Bishop of Massachusetts; was a brilliant conversationalist, an accomplished writer and speaker, a thoughtful student; and he endeared himself through his connection with his church for twenty years to all his parishioners, and by his never-failing interest in good works to all who came within the sphere of his influence.
Henry E. Howland
1896 Century Association Yearbook
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