Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Francis F. Marbury
Centurion, 1847–1895
Charles M. Leupp
Prince George’s County, Maryland
New York (Manhattan), New York
Age thirty-one
Bronx, New York
- George F. Betts
- John Riker Brady
- Jennings S. Cox
- Roswell D. Hitchcock
- Hamilton Hoppin
- Peter Kemble
- James T. Kilbreth
- R. Cary Long
- Edwin Ludlow
- Moses Maynard
- Stephen P. Nash
- Wheeler H. Peckham
- Edward S. Rapallo
- Percy Sanderson
- William Ellery Sedgwick
- Robert Sewell
- A. B. Stone
- Reuben C. Stone
- Paschal W. Turney
- George Vandenhoff
Archivist’s Notes
Father of Francis F. Marbury Jr.
Century Memorial
The name of Francis F. Marbury will recall one who, in his prime, was the embodiment of the perfect clubman, a well-known and respected lawyer, who enjoyed to the fullest extent his associations here; who loved books, the company of his friends, the cozy corner by the fire, and whose fund of information, genial presence and store of wit made him a welcome addition to any circle within our walls. Notwithstanding the weight of years, failing health and continued bereavement, the cheerfulness of his nature was never clouded, and the old-time sparkle was apparent even at the time of his last visit to The Century, which he loved so well.
Henry E. Howland
1896 Century Association Yearbook
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