Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Percy Sanderson
HBM Consul-General, New York
Centurion, 1895–1919
Francis F. Marbury, Robert Gordon, and Augustus R. Macdonough
London, England
Reading, England
Age fifty-two
Caversham, Berkshire, England

Century Memorial
During his thirteen-year service as Consul General for Great Britain at New York, as in the subsequent period since his retirement in 1907, Sir Percy Sanderson impressed his personality on all with whom he came in contact by his gentle, old-fashioned courtesy, his consideration and kindness. He had served in the Royal Artillery before the days of our own Civil War, and was Consul General and British Commissioner in Rumania as long ago as 1881. At his death he had been in his government’s service nearly sixty years, and a member of this Club for nearly a quarter of a century. On the outbreak of the great European war, and despite his advanced years, he devoted his entire time and energy at London to strenuous work on committees for war relief and kindred purposes. Here was an instance of that fine social type, the English gentleman of the old school in whom his government recognizes practical capacity, high sense of responsibility and absolute devotion to duty, and whose colleagues and subordinates remember him for the many kind acts experienced at his hands.
Alexander Dana Noyes
1920 Century Association Yearbook