Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
George B. Satterlee
Centurion, 1856–1903
Henry L. Pierson and T. Bailey Myers
New York (Manhattan), New York
Southampton, New York
Age twenty-two
Manhattan, New York

Archivist’s Notes
Brother of F. LeRoy Satterlee and Walter Satterlee; father of Herbert L. Satterlee; cousin of Edward Satterlee
Century Memorial
Among the veterans of the Century was George B. Satterlee, whose membership dates from 1856. He was a typical New Yorker, born within sight of the Battery, and reared in the then fashionable quarter of Chambers Street. His business career was as varied as the cosmopolitan character of the city; he began as a bank clerk, was connected with the old auction house of Simeon Draper, organized a firm of bankers and brokers, became extensively interested in insurance, took part in the development of some of the best known mining fields, and organized the New York Mining Stock Exchange, of which he was President from 1877 to 1880. He was keenly interested in yachting and in naval affairs, and in the last year of his life aided in the organization of the Navy League of the United States. He was a man of pronounced literary tastes, a student of political economy and finance, and an occasional writer on these subjects. He was of a genial and affectionate nature, deeply attached to his home and to the Century, which alone in his later years could tempt him from his fireside and library.
Edward Cary
1904 Century Association Yearbook
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