Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Charles H. Farnam
Centurion, 1899–1909
Allen W. Evarts and John McL. Nash
New Haven, Connecticut
Paris, France
Age fifty-two
New Haven, Connecticut

Archivist’s Notes
Brother of Henry W. Farnam and William W. Farnam
Century Memorial
Charles Henry Farnam was of a noted Connecticut family, a graduate of Yale and of Columbia. His tastes, however, were not legal. For a time he followed mercantile pursuits in New York, for a time he led the scholar’s life in the Peabody Museum at Yale, and yet another portion of his life he spent as an author. That his pursuits were apparently desultory was due to uncertain health, and for long its condition compelled residence for part of the year in Colorado. He was sixty-three when the struggle ended and had been for ten years a Centurion. The qualities of his mind and heart, his gentleness, unselfishness and sympathetic sociability made him, of right, welcome to all the circles of this association.
William Milligan Sloane
1910 Century Association Yearbook