Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Peter Paul Duggan
Centurion, 1849–1861
Not recorded
Paris, France
at about age thirty-nine

Archivist’s Notes
His given names are sometimes reversed (Paul Peter Duggan).
Century Memorials
Mr. Marbury presented the following Resolutions, expressive of the feeling of the Club with regard to the death of their late associate, Mr. Paul Duggan, which, on motion, were adopted, and directed to be entered on the minutes.
Resolved, That the members of the Century have received with sincere grief the intelligence of the death of their esteemed associate and friend, the late Paul P. Duggan. Although the condition of his health, was such as during the later years of his life to compel him to reside abroad, and to withdraw from the social circles and the sphere of activity, in New York, in which as an artist, a gentleman, and a public instructor, he had been so useful, and become so much endeared to many friends, by the gentleness of his manners, the purity of his life, his integrity and conscientious discharge of every duty, public and private, we cherish the liveliest sense of his worth and the highest estimate of his character, and desire to place upon our records this tribute to his memory.
Resolved, That the secretary be requested to communicate this resolution to the family of Mr. Duggan.
Augustus R. Macdonough, Secretary
Monthly Meeting Minutes, 7 December 1861
Of Paul Duggan nothing more fitting can be said than is expressed by the resolutions adopted at a former meeting. Dear to all of us who knew him and growing dearer and more honored as time and infirmity softened the modest graces of his nature, he was one of those whose character sheds about it a quiet and delicate influence, more easily measured by regrets than defined in praise. Long as it was since he has been seen among us, there is perhaps no one the hope of whose coming again was more cherished, and the sorrow for whose unreturning presence could be more sincere.
Augustus R. Macdonough
Annual Meeting Minutes, 11 January 1862