Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
H. G. De Forest
Centurion, 1866–1889
John A. Weekes
New York (Manhattan), New York
Cold Spring Harbor, New York
Age forty-five
Brooklyn, New York

Archivist’s Notes
Father of Henry W. de Forest, Lockwood de Forest, and Robert W. de Forest; uncle of George B. de Forest, Daniel D. Lord, George de Forest Lord, James Couper Lord, and L. DeF. Woodruff; grandfather of Alfred V. de Forest and Johnston de Forest
Century Memorial
Henry G. De Forest, who came of a family well known and respected in this city, was a lawyer of high standing and large practice in his profession, and was held in universal esteem. The important interests confided to his care in the later years of his life withdrew him from the active practice of the law, and more recently failing health secluded him from the general society of his friends; but he is remembered by them as a cultivated and public-spirited gentleman, of a type that is an honor to the Century.
Henry E. Howland
1890 Century Association Yearbook
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