Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
James P. Cronkhite
Merchant (Dry Goods)/Banker
Centurion, 1847–1860
Henry Peters Gray
Washington County, New York
Rome, Italy
Age thirty-four
Rome, Lazio, Italy

Century Memorials
Mr. Gourlie brought to the notice of the Club, the death of one of its members Mr. J. P. Cronkhite, recently deceased at Rome and on motion of Mr. Irving Paris the following resolutions were unanimously adopted.
Whereas, since the last meeting of this association tidings have been received of the death at Rome of our cherished friend & associate James Paine Cronkhite, one of the founders of the association, who thro’ the whole period of its existence has been among the foremost as an active & ardent promoter of the objects for which it was established.
Resolved, That we are one & all deeply sensible of the loss which has been sustained by ourselves & by the Community of which we form a part. We sorrow that his genial presence will no more cheer our hearts—that his wise counsel & earnest action will be wanting at our meetings. We would add our sincere tribute of respect & affection for the career & character of one who in the walks of social life, by delicate appreciation & generous encouragement of the fine arts—in matters of private business & public trust—in works of benevolent charity has done well the part of a high bred Christian Gentleman. While we sympathize with his family & friends in their bereavement, we mingle with our grief a just pride that he has lived such a life & that he was one of our number. We will hold his memory green & precious in our hearts.
Resolved, That these resolutions be entered in the minutes of this association.
Edward Slosson, Secretary pro tem.
Monthly Meeting Minutes, 7 April 1860
The merits of Cronkhite—that fine sensibility which gave delicacy to his tastes and warmth to his sympathies, have been fitly acknowledged in the public resolutions of our body which perpetuate our regret.
Augustus R. Macdonough
Annual Meeting Minutes, 12 January 1861
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