Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Wilmot Townsend Cox
Centurion, 1912–1945
Charles C. Burlingham and Lockwood de Forest
New York (Manhattan), New York
New Canaan, Connecticut
Age fifty-five
Utica, New York

Century Memorial
Wilmot Townsend Cox. [Born] 1856. Lawyer.
Outstanding authority on Colonial charters and Indian deeds in their relation to riparian titles. He was devoted to the Century and once when a party of Centurions paid him a surprise visit at the home of his retirement, New Canaan, Connecticut, they cited him:
“Wilmot Townsend Cox—lawyer, musician, painter, gardener, scholar, gentleman, Christian, who, having attained unto wisdom, has withdrawn from the turmoil of his native city and in the New Canaan, vouchsafed to him as the old Canaan was denied to Moses, invites his soul.”
He died the day after his eighty-ninth birthday, the oldest Centurion on this roll [of 1945 decedents] and therefore honored first.
Source: Henry Allen Moe Papers, Mss.B.M722. Reproduced by permission of American Philosophical Society Library & Museum, Philadelphia
Henry Allen Moe
Henry Allen Moe Papers, 1945 Memorials