Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Christopher J. Colles
Centurion, 1907–1936
George T. Elliot and Arthur H. Masten
New York (Staten Island), New York
New York (Manhattan), New York
Age forty-eight
Brooklyn, New York

Archivist’s Notes
Son of James Colles
Century Memorial
During many years, even when incapacitated by illness for professional work, Christopher J. Colles regularly visited the Century at noonday, and occupied the same seat on the east side of the long lunch-table. Every one liked him. In his own quaint way, he would punctuate the conversation with quizzical remarks, always brief and to the point. Colles had behind him a long and varied medical career. His hospital and clinical work was interspersed with service, during twenty-five years, in the National Guard; he was for sixteen years regimental surgeon of the Seventh, and retired with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. The Century perhaps knew less of his proficiency at the violin and his assiduous collection of rare prints and old furniture.
Alexander Dana Noyes
1937 Century Association Yearbook