Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Frederick Sheldon
Centurion, 1869–1907
Smith Clift, Augustus R. Macdonough, and William J. Hoppin
New York (Manhattan), New York
Newport, Rhode Island
Age forty-six
Brooklyn, New York

Century Memorial
Frederick Sheldon was nearly eighty [sic: eighty-five; newspaper obituaries were inaccurate in stating his age at death] when his active and useful life was ended. He had been thirty-eight years a member of The Century, and was one of its well-known and best esteemed associates. Responsible for the use of great wealth he was likewise opulent in personal resources. He was a New Yorker of the old stock and displayed a comprehensive interest in the greatest concerns of the city. He devoted his abundant leisure to high pursuits and was himself a writer of parts. To the fine arts he gave much attention and was distinctly an influence on the æsthetic side of life. Refinement, elegance, and beauty are not common in a prosaic life, and those who cultivate them are noteworthy in any measure of success to which they attain. His efforts toward such a goal made him of right a personage in society and an influence in The Century.
William Milligan Sloane
1908 Century Association Yearbook