Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Oliver H. P. La Farge
Secretary, Deposit Company
Centurion, 1907–1936
Beverly Chew and S. B. P. Trowbridge
Middletown, Rhode Island
New York (Manhattan), New York
Age thirty-eight
Middletown, Rhode Island

Archivist’s Notes
Son of John La Farge; nephew of George L. Heins; brother of Bancel La Farge, C. Grant La Farge, and John La Farge; uncle of Christopher La Farge, L. Bancel La Farge, Oliver La Farge, and Thomas La Farge
Century Memorial
No man of genius can reckon on all his progeny reproducing his qualities; the history of all human society and human achievement has testified to the uncertain working in the second generation, either of heredity or environment. Both influences probably contributed to the occasional paintings of Oliver La Farge, but they were avocations. His life career contrasted so widely with that of his father, John La Farge, that his personal achievement will be principally remembered as that of gold prospector, motor-company manager and banker. After all, interest in the family successors of men of great achievement is particularly real in regard to development of other traits and capacities which might have seemed precluded by inheritance.
Alexander Dana Noyes
1937 Century Association Yearbook