Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Camillus G. Kidder
Centurion, 1909–1921
Joseph H. Choate and William Archer Purrington
Baltimore, Maryland
New York (Manhattan), New York
Age fifty-nine
Scotch Plains, New Jersey

Archivist’s Notes
Father of Jerome F. Kidder; uncle of Henry Maynard Kidder
Century Memorial
With Camillus George Kidder there left us one of the familiar links at the Century’s Saturday lunch-table and in the group at the Graham Library, much changed of recent years. It was his ready and humorous conversation, his inexhaustible fund of information, his delight in the friendly matching of opinions even where opinions disagreed, and his interest in listening as well as talking, which made him always a welcome addition to the circle. Mr. Kidder’s judgments on the law were well-considered and based upon long experience in active practice, back to the day when he achieved the rare summa cum laude at the Harvard Law School.
Alexander Dana Noyes
1922 Century Association Yearbook