Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Washington Hunt
Politician/Governor of New York
Centurion, 1866–1867
Proposed by
Benjamin R. Winthrop, Thomas R. Foster, James W. Beekman, and Augustus R. Macdonough
Benjamin R. Winthrop, Thomas R. Foster, James W. Beekman, and Augustus R. Macdonough
August 5, 1811
Windham, New York
Windham, New York
February 2, 1867
New York (Manhattan), New York
New York (Manhattan), New York
June 2, 1866
Age fifty-four
Age fifty-four
Glenwood Cemetery,
Lockport, New York
Lockport, New York

Member Photograph Albums CollectionAlbum 3, Leaf 83
To inquire about image use and/or publication, contact the Archivist.
Archivist’s Notes
There is no subsequent mention in the minutes regarding the memorial resolutions that were assigned to a subcommittee at the monthly meeting of 2 February 1867.
Century Memorial
The chair after some remarks upon the decease of the late Governor Washington Hunt, and upon motion made, named as a committee to prepare memorial resolutions, Messrs. Bonney, Evarts, and Speir, to report at the next monthly meeting.
Augustus R. Macdonough, Secretary
Monthly Meeting Minutes, 2 February 1867
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