Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Clinton Scollard
Centurion, 1904–1932
Proposed by
Frank Dempster Sherman and Edmund C. Stedman
Frank Dempster Sherman and Edmund C. Stedman
September 18, 1860
Clinton, New York
Clinton, New York
November 19, 1932
Kent, Connecticut
Kent, Connecticut
April 2, 1904
Age forty-three
Age forty-three
Sunset Hill Cemetery,
Clinton, New York
Clinton, New York

Century Memorial
Clinton Scollard was a poet of distinction. In the earlier part of his eighteen-years’ membership in the Century, he was often at the Club, exchanging ideas with kindred spirits such as George E. Woodberry, Frank Dempster Sherman, Richard Watson Gilder, John Kendrick Bangs and Edmund Clarence Stedman, but during some years past, ill health had kept him secluded at his ancestral home. Scollard was a gentle soul, inclined perhaps to reserve in his intercourse with others, but of sterling character and fine intellectual discrimination.
Alexander Dana Noyes
1933 Century Association Yearbook