Centurion, 1917–1918
Born 10 March 1873 in New York (Brooklyn), New York
Died 27 July 1918 in Summit, New Jersey
Buried Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York
Proposed by William J. Henderson and Macomb G. Foster
Elected 3 November 1917 at age forty-four
Century Memorial
When Edward Imeson Horsman relinquished his professional work to participate in his father’s large commercial business, the career of a discriminating musical critic and of a promising musical composer was interrupted. He had been organist in several city churches, critic of music on the Herald, and his own songs were sung in public by the leading concert singers. Mr. Horsman was one of the best of companions; of a full-blooded, joyous disposition; full of information and always eager to learn that possessed by others. His music, free and spontaneous, melodious and vibrant in quality, reflected his personal disposition. It was his pleasure, even while foregoing the later opportunities of his own musical career, to help struggling young artists to achieve theirs.
Alexander Dana Noyes
1919 Century Association Yearbook