Member Directory,
1847 - 1922

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William Temple Emmet


Centurion, 1916–1918

born July 28, 1869
New Rochelle, New York
died February 14, 1918
New York (Manhattan), New York
elected November 4, 1916
Age forty-seven
Member portrait of William Temple Emmet

Archivist’s Notes

Father of Richard S. Emmet; nephew of Thomas Addis Emmet; father-in-law of Cass Canfield; grandfather of Cass Canfield Jr.

Century Memorial

William Temple Emmet was one of the active public men in New York City politics. Member of the constitutional convention three years after his admission to the bar, he held office in the city’s Board of Education, serving later as State Superintendent of Insurance and then as Public Service Commissioner of the up-state district. He held that office up to the time of his death.

Alexander Dana Noyes
1919 Century Association Yearbook

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