Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Charles Francis Adams
Centurion, 1912–1915
Francis Davis Millet and Stephen H. Olin
Boston, Massachusetts
Washington, District of Columbia
Age seventy-seven
Quincy, Massachusetts

Archivist’s Notes
Brother of Henry Adams
Century Memorial
The Century had no member more distinguished for honored descent, for personal character and achievement, and for the position which he held in his own State and in the Union, than Charles Francis Adams. His life has been commented on far and wide, and perhaps nowhere else with such close and varied appreciation as at the annual meeting of the Massachusetts Historical Society, last April, of which he was the President. It is but recently that Mr. Adams became a non-resident member of our Association, nor was he often here. In view of this, and of our natural disinclination to speak cursorily of a career so useful and diversified, we simply note his death, with respect and admiration for his bravery in the Civil War, for his civic labors and example, for his conduct of affairs, and for his brilliant writings.
Henry Osborn Taylor
1916 Century Association Yearbook