Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
John Duer
Centurion, 1898–1901
Henry A. Du Pont and Beverley Robinson
Oswego, New York
Liberty, New York
Age fifty-nine

Century Memorial
John Duer was of the best American stock, his great-grandparents being Colonel William Duer of the Revolutionary Army, and Catherine Alexander, daughter of the gallant Lord Stirling. A graduate of Columbia College and Law School, he passed his professional life in New York. He was a pioneer in the system of title insurance, which has been of such signal benefit to modern dealings in real estate, and was one of the founders and an officer of the Lawyers’ Title Insurance Company. He was also a trustee of the Phoenix Assurance Company of London. Mr. Duer confined his legal practice to the branches of real estate and wills, on which he was a recognized authority, and to the management of estates. In these he was distinguished by industry, thoroughness, caution, and conscientiousness.
Edward Cary
1902 Century Association Yearbook