Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Morris J. Asch
Centurion, 1891–1902
Stuyvesant F. Morris and James Waldemar Hayward
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Irvington, New York
Age fifty-seven

Century Memorial
Dr. Morris J. Asch, though a Pennsylvanian by birth, and a graduate of the Jefferson Medical College, had built up a large and noteworthy practice in this city, whither he removed in 1870. At the opening of the Civil War he had promptly volunteered, and served on the staff of Major-General Sheridan, whose personal physician he was for a number of years. Dr. Asch made especial study of diseases of the nose and larynx, and was the originator of an operation on the nose which bears his name and is in general hospital use. He was a member of the chief medical organizations of the city and county, as well as of the Roman Medical Society, the Medico-Surgical Society, the American Laryngological Association, and a surgeon of the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, and of the Throat Department of the Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital. His club connections were numerous and varied, including the Army and Navy Club and the New York Yacht Club.
Edward Cary
1903 Century Association Yearbook