Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Cornelius C. Cuyler
Centurion, 1893–1909
Philip Schaff, James A. Roosevelt, and David S. Egleston
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Biarritz, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France
Age thirty-four
Princeton, New Jersey

Archivist’s Notes
Brother of Thomas DeWitt Cuyler
Century Memorial
Cornelius Cuyler Cuyler was but fifty when removed from us by untimely and accidental death, sixteen years after election to our society. He was by birth a Philadelphian of high descent and a graduate of Princeton. Through his mother’s line he was, however, much interested in New York, and early became a resident of the city. Immediately after graduation he entered on the career of a banker and was among the strongest of our financial men at a comparatively early age. On the great social and economic questions of the time he spent much study, and was in his leisure hours an admirer and lover of the great things in art and literature. But his avocation was education. Warmly interested in athletics, he braved all opposition in the time and devotion he gave to its interests, realizing both its disciplinary value and its unrivalled power to unify the intercollegiate interests of his country. Temperate and firm, even to sternness, in the regulation of its abuses, he was unyielding in its support. To the intellectual and spiritual interests of the universities, his own in particular, he gave unweariedly of energy and money, serving Princeton as trustee with a passionate devotion, and securing for the great educational institutions of the city invaluable support. He was president of the Institute of Musical Art and treasurer of the American School in Rome. Seven clubs and six great educational enterprises of the city claimed him as coadjutor. His highest gifts were his probity, his wisdom, his profound knowledge of men and their motives. When he left us there was less sunshine in the world for his numerous acquaintances in all spheres. He had seemed destined to replace in full measure some of the great predecessors of the earlier generation but, even as it is, the community is richer for his life.
William Milligan Sloane
1910 Century Association Yearbook