Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
William Lee Cushing
Centurion, 1892–1921
William P. Trowbridge and James W. Pinchot
Phippsburg, Maine
Simsbury, Connecticut
Age forty-two
Hartford, Connecticut

Century Memorial
The loyalty with which he was regarded, on the one hand by his old Yale associates in and about his Class of ’72 and on the other by the thousands of boys who passed through his kindly ministrations at the Westminster and the Hopkins Grammar School, gives the key to William Lee Cushing’s character. Physically impressive, with a benignity which set off his virile force and made him the boy’s ideal of the gentleman of tradition, he was that rather rare figure in our eager and hurried American life which even in England is nowadays becoming a legend associated with the headmasters in the schools of another generation. He had been a member of the Century for nearly thirty years.
Alexander Dana Noyes
1922 Century Association Yearbook