Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Milton Cogswell
Army Officer
Centurion, 1860–unknown
Proposed by
Frederick S. Cozzens
Frederick S. Cozzens
December 4, 1825
Noblesville, Indiana
Noblesville, Indiana
November 20, 1882
Washington, District of Columbia
Washington, District of Columbia
October 6, 1860
Age thirty-four
Age thirty-four
Arlington National Cemetery,
Arlington, Virginia
Arlington, Virginia

Archivist’s Notes
There is a possibility that he did not join the club despite documentation of his election, as his name does not appear in any subsequent printed rosters of membership. He may have chosen not to “qualify” for membership (i.e., pay initiation fees). The Century Association has traditionally recognized such cases as former members, however, as rosters were not published annually and it is possible he joined between printings.