Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Lester W. Clark
Justice, Supreme Court
Centurion, 1921–1922
Proposed by
George W. Wickersham and Charles C. Burlingham
George W. Wickersham and Charles C. Burlingham
January 22, 1854
Brookline, Massachusetts
Brookline, Massachusetts
September 23, 1922
New York (Staten Island), New York
New York (Staten Island), New York
June 4, 1921
Age sixty-seven
Age sixty-seven
Moravian Cemetery,
New Dorp, New York
New Dorp, New York

Century Memorial
During the thirteen years from 1907 to 1920, Lester Williams Clark served on the Supreme Bench of this state; administering justice, in the words of a committee of lawyers who reviewed his career, “without regard to political considerations, without fear or favor, and strictly as a judge should act.” He was a very well-read man, described by his intimates as old-fashioned in his tastes, a fine example of the gentleman of the old school.
Alexander Dana Noyes
1923 Century Association Yearbook