Member Directory,
1847 - 1922

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Lester W. Clark

Full Name: Lester Williams Clark

Justice, Supreme Court

Centurion, 1921–1922

born January 22, 1854
Brookline, Massachusetts
died September 23, 1922
New York (Staten Island), New York
elected June 4, 1921
Age sixty-seven
Member portrait of Lester W. Clark

Century Memorial

During the thirteen years from 1907 to 1920, Lester Williams Clark served on the Supreme Bench of this state; administering justice, in the words of a committee of lawyers who reviewed his career, “without regard to political considerations, without fear or favor, and strictly as a judge should act.” He was a very well-read man, described by his intimates as old-fashioned in his tastes, a fine example of the gentleman of the old school.

Alexander Dana Noyes
1923 Century Association Yearbook

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