Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
T. Frank Brownell
Centurion, 1887–1901
George W. Dillaway and James Herbert Morse
New Bedford, Massachusetts
New York (Manhattan), New York
Age forty-five

Century Memorial
T. Frank Brownell, a graduate of Harvard in the class of 1865, was highly esteemed by university men for his scholarly qualities and for his peculiar qualifications for library work. He had great literary taste, familiarity with books and excellent judgment in their selection and arrangement. His orderly methods and mastery of details made him useful in every organization to which he belonged, and he was one of the best secretaries that ever served a committee or a club.
He compiled a complete set of Harvard memorabil[i]a for the University Club, indexed as to titles and subjects, which is a monument to his industry and taste.
He was a member of the Governing Board and chairman of the Committee on Literature and Art, both of the University and Harvard clubs, a fact which indicates his fitness for the work. He was a successful and painstaking lawyer, and a most desirable companion for his intelligence and engaging manners. He was noticeably modest and refined, and exceedingly popular with all who knew him.
Henry E. Howland
1901 Century Association Yearbook