Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Thompson S. Brown
Army Officer/Engineer
Centurion, 1847–1855
Proposed by
William Kemble
William Kemble
December 8, 1806
Brownville, New York
Brownville, New York
June 30, 1855
Naples, Italy
Naples, Italy
May 1, 1847
Age forty
Age forty
View Burial Information

Century Memorial
At [the March 1847 monthly] meeting, Major T. S. Brown (who was afterwards appointed by the Emperor Nicholas Chief Engineer of the St. Petersburg and Moscow railroad) was nominated as a member. His recent death has awakened the sincere regret of his friends. He was a man of great ability in his profession, and had obtained a position of eminence, previous to his departure from the country, by his connection with the New York and Erie Railroad, of which he had long been the chief engineer. . . . He died at Naples, on his return to his native country, after a long absence in the service of the Emperor of Russia.
John H. Gourlie
“The Origin and History of the Century,” 1856