Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Abbott Brown
Centurion, 1894–1918
Proposed by
George Waddington and George E. Harney
George Waddington and George E. Harney
February 5, 1836
New York (Manhattan), New York
New York (Manhattan), New York
February 4, 1918
New York (Manhattan), New York
New York (Manhattan), New York
June 2, 1894
Age fifty-eight
Age fifty-eight
Green-Wood Cemetery,
Brooklyn, New York
Brooklyn, New York

Member Photograph Albums Collection
To inquire about image use and/or publication, contact the Archivist.
Century Memorial
Abbott Brown, a friend of Stedman, had lived many years a quiet life in the neighborhood of the Century, since his retirement from the ministry.
Alexander Dana Noyes
1919 Century Association Yearbook