Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Owen Brainard
Centurion, 1918–1919
Thomas Hastings and William Rutherford Mead
Haddam, Connecticut
New York (Manhattan), New York
Age fifty-two
Higganum, Connecticut

Century Memorial
The engineering skill which Owen Brainard brought to mechanical and structural problems was of high value in supplementing the architectural genius of his professional associates, Carrère and Hastings. Although disclaiming for himself the royal gift of architectural imagination, he contributed through his own designs to what was best in the New York Public Library, the present Century Theatre and the Yale Memorial Building, and he was a leading designer and consulting engineer for the new Congressional buildings at Washington. Notable in his profession for diplomatic manners and business capacity, he was also a good citizen, whose advice and help were always at the service of the City.
Alexander Dana Noyes
1920 Century Association Yearbook