Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Henry Freeman Walker
Centurion, 1891–1917
Proposed by
Theodore Gaillard Thomas and Charles Carroll Lee
Theodore Gaillard Thomas and Charles Carroll Lee
July 3, 1838
Brattleboro, Vermont
Brattleboro, Vermont
August 13, 1917
Pittsford, Vermont
Pittsford, Vermont
October 3, 1891
Age fifty-three
Age fifty-three
Evergreen Cemetery,
Pittsford, Vermont
Pittsford, Vermont
proposer of
seconder of

Century Memorial
Henry Freeman Walker, a leading physician and general practitioner of the old school; the trusted medical adviser of many prominent families of this city, and a kind friend alike of rich and poor.
Henry Osborn Taylor
1918 Century Association Yearbook