Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Henry H. Vail
Centurion, 1906–1925
Proposed by
William W. Appleton and Henry B. Barnes
William W. Appleton and Henry B. Barnes
May 27, 1839
Pomfret, Vermont
Pomfret, Vermont
September 2, 1925
Woodstock, Vermont
Woodstock, Vermont
June 2, 1906
Age sixty-seven
Age sixty-seven
Riverside Cemetery,
Woodstock, Vermont
Woodstock, Vermont

Member Photograph Albums Collection
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Century Memorial
Henry Hobart Vail will be remembered largely for his school-books; some of those planned by him having claimed a sale of 1,200,000 copies annually. His active work as publisher and editor had extended over more than half a century, in the West and then as vice-president of the American Book Company in the East. In 1864 he went to the front with the 131st Ohio.
Alexander Dana Noyes
1926 Century Association Yearbook