Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Thomas Stewardson
Centurion, 1893–1902
Proposed by
Charles Collins and James W. Pinchot
Charles Collins and James W. Pinchot
June 6, 1829
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
January 20, 1902
Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania
Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania
October 7, 1893
Age sixty-four
Age sixty-four
Laurel Hill Cemetery,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Century Memorial
Thomas Stewardson was a native and honored citizen of Philadelphia, a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, and a member of the bar of that State. He was actively interested in local institutions of benevolence. He was a student and lover of literature and the arts, a man of strict integrity, and was much respected and beloved by a large circle of friends.
Edward Cary
1903 Century Association Yearbook