Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Peter Starr
Centurion, 1866–1895
Theodore W. Dwight and Horace M. Ruggles
Middlebury, Vermont
Northampton, Massachusetts
Age forty
Middlebury, Vermont

Century Memorial
The name of Peter Starr recalls to us a well-known and able lawyer who was universally respected. Many years ago he was stricken with a fatal disease which debarred him from the social life of The Century, and which, all too soon, cut short his professional career. As a lawyer he was learned and of high repute. Coming from the best New England stock, the marks of his lineage were apparent in his absolute integrity, his clear intelligence and conscientious discharge of duty. Better, perhaps only, known to us older members, who can recall the bright intelligence, the quiet humor, the charming courtesy which marked his social intercourse, we can but feel that a loss also has come to those who would have deemed themselves fortunate to have known and loved him.
Henry E. Howland
1896 Century Association Yearbook