Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Waldron Shapleigh
Centurion, 1889–1901
Alfred Marshall Mayer and Charles F. Chandler
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Lebanon, Maine
Age forty-one
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Century Memorial
Waldron Shapleigh began at an early age with characteristic independence the study of the profession of chemistry, in which he attained a prominent place. At nineteen he was appointed the superintendent of zinc works in Pennsylvania, and a year later was made an Instructor in Lehigh University and subsequently Professor. He severed his connection with the University for the purpose of studying the beet root sugar industry in France for two years, when he was appointed Chemist to the Kings County Sugar Refinery in this State. When the Welsbach Light Company was founded, he formed a connection with it which lasted until his death. During this period he acquired his standing as a very high authority on the properties of rare earths. Although a non-resident member, Mr. Shapleigh was a familiar figure at The Century, where he had a circle of warm friends. One of his associates writes: “Mr. Shapleigh was a man of unusual character; in an age of greed to be rich he kept before him a certain simple strenuous ideal of high old-fashioned honor, from which he never departed. He was a rare combination of strength and gentleness. By those friends who could pierce his armor of shy reserve he was deeply loved.”
Edward Cary
1902 Century Association Yearbook