Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
James Harvey Robinson
Professor of History
Centurion, 1897–1936
Frank J. Goodnow and George A. Plimpton
Bloomington, Illinois
New York (Manhattan), New York
Age thirty-three
Bloomington, Illinois

Century Memorial
Judged by the circulation of his writings, James Harvey Robinson was in this country by far the most popular teacher of history and author of historical text-books. Not perhaps widely acquainted in the Century, he was known by name to young readers throughout the country. After relinquishing in 1919 his professorship of history in Columbia, he transferred his activities to social philosophy, and again achieved a nation-wide hearing. His Mind in the Making” is said to have sold up to the hundred thousands, and was translated into other languages. As a lecturer Robinson had, in addition to a thoroughly well-stocked memory, the gift of trenchant phrase, uttered in a captivatingly quizzical manner. Personally, he was an affectionate friend to his intimates; living simply and giving generously from his royalties to those in need.
Alexander Dana Noyes
1937 Century Association Yearbook
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