Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Whitelaw Reid
Centurion, 1870–1912
Bayard Taylor and S. S. Conant
Cedarville, Ohio
London, England
Age thirty-two
Sleepy Hollow, New York

Archivist’s Notes
Son-in-law of D. Ogden Mills; father of Ogden Reid; grandfather of Whitelaw Reid
Century Memorial
The public press has recently devoted much space to the distinguished career of Whitelaw Reid. He was an able and successful man, able as a war correspondent in his young days, successful as a newspaper editor, successful as a newspaper proprietor. He understood the art of rising by the quick use of his abilities and the seizure of the favoring moment. He was offered, and declined, the German Embassy, but afterwards accepted the appointment of Ambassador to France. On returning from that country he became a candidate for the Vice-Presidency. Appointed in 1905 as Ambassador to England, he filled that prominent position with éclat until his death. In recognition of his eminence and as an international courtesy, the British Government conveyed his body to this country in an armored cruiser, which on entering our waters was met by an escort of American warships. A stately funeral ceremony followed in St. John’s Cathedral upon the Heights. Mr. Reid married a daughter of our late fellow-member, D. O. Mills.
Henry Osborn Taylor
1913 Century Association Yearbook
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