Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
David B. Ogden
Centurion, 1895–1923
John E. Parsons and Edwin W. Coggeshall
New York (Manhattan), New York
Bar Harbor, Maine
Age forty-six
Bar Harbor, Maine

Archivist’s Notes
Son of Gouverneur M. Ogden; father-in-law of Johnston de Forest
Century Memorial
David B. Ogden had practiced half a century at the bar of New York City, where he had been born. Associated in legal partnership with John E. Parsons and Edward M. Shepard, he was counsel for important business enterprises, director in a number of companies, member of the Trinity Vestry and counsel for the Trinity Corporation. He was a man of many friends; of varied interests and pleasing conversation; a wide reader in whose life and thought art, literature and history always had their place. Perhaps he will be remembered most affectionately at Bar Harbor, to which summer resort he first came with his parents fifty-six years ago, and with which his after-life was intimately associated
Alexander Dana Noyes
1924 Century Association Yearbook