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Horace Moran

Full Name: John Horace Moran

Interior Decorator

Centurion, 1919–1941

Proposed by
Henry Bacon and Herbert Adams
born August 18, 1868
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
died March 9, 1941
Tampa Bay, Florida
elected December 6, 1919
Age fifty-one
Member portrait of Horace Moran

Century Memorial

One of the things that made Horace Moran—for forty years an interior decorator—unusually companionable was his interest in the fads of others. An ardent collector of ship models, he not only listened to other Centurions when they talked of their fads, but often aided and abetted them. One Centurion, who never gave Moran so much as the model of a dinghy, received from him through many years occasional letters and items that materially improved his highly specialized collection of prints.

Moran was elected to the Architectural League in 1896 and later became a vice-president. He was a member of the board of the Museum of the City of New York and of the Marine Museum. Examples of his work may be seen at Cornell, Smith, and Wesleyan.

An architect with whose firm he collaborated for twenty-five years says: “Horace Moran was exceptionally helpful. His first piece of work for our office was during the last war, when he furnished one of the Red Cross camps. Since then he furnished for us many public and private buildings. He was scrupulously honest in whatever problem he had to solve. Never abandoning his ideals, with great tact and patience he persuaded the client that what he recommended was what the client really had in mind.”

Geoffrey Parsons
1941 Century Memorials

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