Member Directory,
1847 - 1922

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Edward C. Moore Jr.

Full Name: Edward Cook Moore Jr.


Centurion, 1895–1937

born July 3, 1856
New York (Brooklyn), New York
died August 15, 1937
New York (Manhattan), New York
elected April 6, 1895
Age thirty-eight
Member portrait of Edward C. Moore Jr.
Member Photograph Albums CollectionAlbum 9, Leaf 7
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Archivist’s Notes

Son of Edward C. Moore

Century Memorial

Sometimes the Century’s remembrance is as pleasant of quiet fellow-members who made little stir in the outside world but whom we all saw daily and all knew by name, as of Centurions of large achievement. Edward C. Moore, Jr., was one of our fellowship to whom, especially after his retirement from affairs, the Century was the greater part of life. He was constantly in the Club-house, often roaming complacently from floor to floor; it seemed to be his home. Nothing was to him more personally gratifying than to give to the Club something worth-while which he thought the Century ought to have. It was from Moore that the present grand piano came which we now use in concerts and recitals; he was the donor of the large and costly world-globe in the Library. How much more satisfying to Moore was the making of the gift than the distinction of having made it, was proved by his habitual stipulation that the Club should be informed that the giver wished to remain anonymous.

Alexander Dana Noyes
1938 Century Association Yearbook

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