Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Reynolds Beal
Centurion, 1918–1951
George Gardner Symons and John Harper
New York (Manhattan), New York
Rockport, Massachusetts
Age fifty-one
Rockport, Massachusetts

Archivist’s Notes
Brother of Gifford R. Beal
Century Memorial
Reynolds Beal was elected to the Century in 1918. He was a native New Yorker—actually born in the City—but toward the end of his long life he went to live in Rockport, Massachusetts, where artists collect and associate happily with one another.
In the beginning, Beal took an engineering course at Cornell; but he did not like it and turned to art for his vocation.
His early training was under William M. Chase in New York, and later he studied in European galleries—particularly the Prado in Madrid. When he grew up, he had been around a great deal and was most excellent company: informed and tolerant and entirely civilized. He had a wonderfully good time and divided his interest in art and oils with boats, water colors, nature, and whatever was going on.
He was eighty-four [sic: eighty-five] when he died.
George W. Martin
1951/1952 Century Association Yearbook