Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Loring W. Batten
Rector, St. Mark's in the Bowery
Centurion, 1901–1946
William Reed Huntington and Henry Codman Potter
Mullica Hill, New Jersey
Media, Pennsylvania
Age forty-one
Clarksboro, New Jersey

Century Memorial
Loring Woart Batten. [Born] 1859. Clergyman, teacher; forty-five years a Centurion
Former rector of St. Marks in the Bouwerie, sometime professor in the General Theological Seminary and its dean, this country boy from New Jersey taught school to get a start in college and then worked his way through, graduating from Harvard, cum laude. Degrees of Doctor of Philosophy and of Sacred Theology came later and he was the author of a half-dozen theological books, but he remained a country boy to the end—a trout fisherman, an excitable baseball fan, a Buck Hills Falls golfer, and a fast shot at quail and grouse. What he could do with a light 20-gauge gun was something few men of any age could equal and as a rooter for the New York Giants few boys could match him in his eighties.
A staunch character: learned, loveable and boyish to the end.
Source: Henry Allen Moe Papers, Mss.B.M722. Reproduced by permission of American Philosophical Society Library & Museum, Philadelphia
Henry Allen Moe
Henry Allen Moe Papers, 1946 Memorials