Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
William T. Lusk
Obstetrician/Army Officer
Centurion, 1873–1897
Benjamin W. McCready and William H. Draper
Norwich, Connecticut
New York (Manhattan), New York
Age thirty-four
Bronx, New York
Archivist’s Notes
Father of Graham Lusk and William Chittenden Lusk; grandfather of William T. Lusk
Century Memorial
In the death of Dr. William T. Lusk the medical profession has lost one of its most distinguished members, and the community one of its most public-spirited citizens. He was a diligent and thorough student, an eminently successful practitioner, and a distinguished author of many medical works highly valued in his profession at home and abroad. His earnestness in the line of duty is shown by the fact that he enlisted as a private in 1861, shortly after leaving college, and by meritorious service rose to high rank before the close of the war. He studied his profession here and in Europe, and immediately became prominent as a physician. He received high honors from universities, was visiting physician at many hospitals, and the President of Bellevue Medical College at the time of his death. He possessed all those qualities which win respect from one’s colleagues in his profession, and which entitled him to the confidence and regard of the public at large, who prize a learned, able and honorable man.
Henry E. Howland
1898 Century Association Yearbook
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