Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Ernest W. Longfellow
Centurion, 1892–1921
Joseph H. Choate and Myles Standish
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Boston, Massachusetts
Age forty-six
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Archivist’s Notes
Son of (nonmember) Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Century Memorial
Last surviving son of the now all but forgotten poet whom, in our younger days, we were taught to regard as the American laureate, it was the fortune of Ernest Wadsworth Longfellow to pursue the elusive path of art, but not the art of his father. For some reason not apparent in the temperament of either father or son, Mr. Longfellow was sent for his education to a scientific school. He broke boldly away from such a career after graduating and went to Paris to study art. His paintings, mostly landscapes, are pleasing. But he really gave his life to another object of devotion, his invalid wife, and saw but little of his associates in the larger world.
Alexander Dana Noyes
1922 Century Association Yearbook