Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Lawrence Barrett
Centurion, 1867–1891
Charles N. Fearing and Augustus R. Macdonough
Paterson, New Jersey
New York (Manhattan), New York
Age twenty-eight
Cohasset, Massachusetts

Century Memorial
The loving memory of troops of friends clusters around the name of Lawrence Barrett, whose character and magnetic personality attracted them in his life-time, and has enshrined him in their hearts now that he has passed away.
His career was most honorable and interesting in its every stage. Without friends or aid at the start, he rose by his native ability, industry and ambition, to be one of the foremost figures upon the American stage. In every phase of his career as student, stock actor, manager and star, he gave pleasure and instruction to the public, and maintained to his associates the unvarying attitude of a generous friend and gentleman.
Success came to him in unbounded measure, attributable in some degree to the large-heartedness of a distinguished associate, but all who knew him rejoiced that it was deserved, and that it came to one whose aim had been so high and whose record was so pure.
Henry E. Howland
1892 Century Association Yearbook