Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
James T. Leavitt
Centurion, 1889–1894
Proposed by
Henry H. Anderson and William H. Draper
Henry H. Anderson and William H. Draper
July 30, 1833
New York (Manhattan), New York
New York (Manhattan), New York
November 5, 1894
Menton, France
Menton, France
March 2, 1889
Age fifty-five
Age fifty-five
Green-Wood Cemetery,
Brooklyn, New York
Brooklyn, New York

Century Memorial
James T. Leavitt, who had lived for several years abroad on account of failing health, will be remembered as a quiet but most appreciative member of the Club, who loved books, pictures and the society of his friends, and one to whom The Century, while it was accessible to him, was a second home.
Henry E. Howland
1895 Century Association Yearbook