Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Arthur Reed Kimball
Centurion, 1900–1933
Frederick J. Kingsbury and John S. Thacher
New York (Manhattan), New York
Waterbury, Connecticut
Age forty-five
Waterbury, Connecticut
Century Memorial
Arthur Reed Kimball was one of the honorable company of small-town newspaper editors whose strength of personal conviction, clearness of thought and forcefulness of writing made their editorial page a power far beyond the bounds of their own little constituency. During forty-one years he shaped the editorial policy of the Waterbury American. Like Samuel Bowles on the Springfield Republican, Charles Hopkins Clark on the Hartford Courant, and William Allen White on the Emporia Gazette, Kimball was content with his own field of editorial activity; he was never tempted by what might have seemed the greater opportunities of large-city journalism. That his trenchant comment on political and social questions saw the light in a provincial newspaper did not detract from the always-present interest, taken in his utterances by newspaper managers and readers of other communities and other states. It is one of the finest traditions of American politics and American journalism that any writer who has something to say on public questions, who knows how to say it and who has thought the matter out, independently of party formulas, will command a nation-wide audience.
Alexander Dana Noyes
1934 Century Association Yearbook