Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Frederic B. Jennings
Centurion, 1892–1920
Joseph H. Choate and Francis Lynde Stetson
Bennington, Vermont
New York (Manhattan), New York
Age thirty-eight
Bennington, Vermont

Century Memorial
Intimate knowledge of corporation law, along with keen practical judgment of the aspects of a concrete case in litigation, made Frederick Beach Jennings the successful counselor for a great number of business enterprises; among them the Associated Press. In behalf of that organization Mr. Jennings carried up to the United States Supreme Court and won the suit for an injunction against the Hearst news service for pirating the Associated Press dispatches and exploiting them as its own.
Mr. Jennings was an eminently clubable man, and although the routine of an exacting profession left him little opportunity to avail himself of the social relaxations of club life, the atmosphere and associations of the Century were especially congenial to him. His closest friends and colleagues were Centurions. During some years he was active in trial work, chiefly railroad litigation; for which he was well fitted, having a trained legal mind and a natural endowment of common sense, with the added qualifications of absolute fairness, frank and courteous manner, and industry which led him to prepare each case with absolute thoroughness. In later years he was less in court, his time being largely devoted to the large corporate and individual interests of which he was the adviser. Here he showed an even temperament, well-balanced judgment, and breadth of vision, which made his counsel highly valued. In his numerous activities, whether at the bar, or as director of various corporations, as Trustee of Williams College, his Alma Mater, as Trustee of Barnard College, or as officer of charitable institutions, he was always ready for conscientious work. His kindness of heart, warm human sympathy, unfailing loyalty, and cordial simplicity of manner won the affection of all with whom he was associated.
Alexander Dana Noyes
1921 Century Association Yearbook
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