Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
George E. Ide
President, Home Life Insurance Company
Centurion, 1915–1919
Robert C. Ogden and James Carroll Beckwith
New York (Brooklyn), New York
Locust Valley, New York
Age fifty-four
Brooklyn, New York

Century Memorial
George Edward Ide was one of our New York business men with whom an excellent educational training was turned to good account. It was always his ambition to make the most of such advantages; which, combined with his wide acquaintance and his experiences of travel, gave him the faculty of entertaining companionship. In his vocation of insurance he rose at the age of thirty-four to the presidency of the Home Life Company, which he held until his death, along with directorships in half a dozen other fiduciary institutions of the city. To this work he brought clearness of view on financial questions, very considerable knowledge of investments, and a high degree of ability as executive and organizer.
Alexander Dana Noyes
1920 Century Association Yearbook