Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Alexander Julian Hemphill
President, Guaranty Trust Company
Centurion, 1912–1920
Charles F. Cox and Eugene Delano
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
New York (Manhattan), New York
Age fifty-five
Tennent, New Jersey

Century Memorial
The wide scope of business activities, social affiliations, and personal energies which characterize the successful trust company executive of to-day was embodied in Alexander Julian Hemphill. The list of his official responsibilities was extraordinary. He was director in thirty-seven corporations; in addition to which he served actively during the war as treasurer or director in twelve or more important relief organizations, including the recruiting committee of the Committee of National Defense. With all this prodigious expenditure of personal energy, Mr. Hemphill used to say to his friends, not long before his death, that he had never known what illness was. His cordial manners, notably his unfailing remembrance and recognition of every individual with whom he had ever had even transient business relations, rounded out an interesting personality.
Alexander Dana Noyes
1921 Century Association Yearbook