Member Directory,
1847 - 1922
Seymour J. Guy
Centurion, 1888–1910
Henry A. Ferguson and Alfred C. Howland
London, England
New York (Bronx), New York
Age sixty-four
Bronx, New York

Century Memorial
Seymour Joseph Guy was born in Greenwich, England, on January 16, 1824. His training was wholly English, and he came to New York in his thirty-first year. He was an Academician from 1865. He painted portraits and genre pictures in the English style of his day with perfect mastery of his craft in its details and in infinite patience and exquisite finish. At the best his work deserves the adjective great, and it was always excellent and sound. He is remembered with deep affection by artists who came to him as to an older man of recognized position. He was most genial, cordial, and ready to place himself and the methods of his art at their disposal, rejoicing in their companionship and keeping himself young through participation in their pursuits. For twenty-two years he was of the rare artistic fellowship of The Century, though of late years, through the infirmities of age, seldom here.
George William Knox
1911 Century Association Yearbook