Member Directory,
1847 - 1922

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Almon Goodwin


Centurion, 1892–1905

born March 18, 1840
Baldwin, Maine
died November 2, 1905
New York (Manhattan), New York
elected November 5, 1892
Age fifty-two
Member portrait of Almon Goodwin

Century Memorial

Almon Goodwin was born in Maine, in 1840. He graduated with honors at Bowdoin in 1862, the second year of the Civil War, and immediately entered the army as Lieutenant in the Nineteenth Maine Volunteers, with which he served until the close of the war with marked gallantry and efficiency. After a course at the Harvard Law School he came to this city to the firm of Brown, Hall & Vanderpoel, of which he became a member, and was in constant and successful practice until his death. He made a specialty of corporation law, was counsel in a number of important cases of reorganization, and was personal counsel to the late Jay Gould and to Russell Sage. He was widely respected in his profession for ability, fidelity, and high character, and in social life was a most kindly and attractive companion.

Edward Cary
1906 Century Association Yearbook

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